With a Tilt of My Hat Read online

Page 6

  Bryan took his time. He wanted to observe the finer things nature had to offer. For instance, the aroma of coffee, the scent of yellow roses and the smooth long legs that glided up into the beautiful faces of educated women.

  About an hour later, they caught up with each other; Kari was thrilled she found each class without problem and ran into an old friend at the science building. Bryan had two cups of coffee. He handed one to Kari as they exited the campus.

  * * * *

  This is a new day for all of us, I thought, feeling confident when I entered Bygone Era club ready to perform. I was greeted by the owner, who introduced himself, then took a few minutes to tour me around backstage. He showed me the autographed pictures of the club’s early years, hanging on the wall. One picture in particular was of the mayor of Portland in 1941; he held a bottle of champagne, hitting it on the side bar during the grand opening of Bygone Era. There were several photographs of The Greats, The big Bands, The Jazz Kings, and many depicting the history of Portland’s city streets from the 1930’s to 1970’s.

  The ambiance of prewar era blended well with the jazz decor, which enhanced the dark wood at the lower walls that encircled the entire bar. I took note of the dim lights glowing from each table, the light radiated through tiffany style lamps that warmed the room. The wood tones of tables and chairs effortlessly complemented the walls and on to the stage area. Bottles of wine and glass stems hung in their usual fashion behind the bar their image reflected in the mirrors, welcoming those who entered.

  Both doors flew open at the same time. I took a sip of my soda, nearly spilling it on myself when John and Bo Bo walked in. “Hey man, way to be on time,” John said, looking at me. “Let’s get right down to business; we’ve been working on this piece for the past couple weeks. Your part, Steven, is pretty basic. So I expect you to have it perfected by tomorrow night. It’s crucial that you sit closer to me during that set, while Bo Bo sits center stage because he will be playing his drum solo. I want this piece to really shine through for the audience.”

  I briefed myself with the new music while the guys set up their instruments. Our ensemble consisted of three musicians, whose energies blended in unity much better than John expected. We played for hours in such high spirits that our music presented an almost mystic feeling during the performance of the last song.

  By six o’clock our stomachs were growling, overpowering an octave above our music. “Let’s call it a night, guys, we are through for the day,” John said.

  I closed my guitar case and expressed my thanks to them. “I loved every minute of playing today. Making it happen with you guys was an unbelievable experience for me!”

  “Same here, you’ve been right on cue, Steven. Glad to have you join us. We’ll meet here every day at noon.” John waved goodnight.

  Chapter 15

  The dark-haired man traveled far, mainly on foot, but he finally came to his destination in Oregon. He felt unsettled when he sat in the nightclub, his mind exploded with uncertainties. Desires mounted inside his head with so many thoughts of sexual play. He had observed a young man for an hour or so, the man was in the corner across the room talking with a girl. The dark-haired man focused and found the courage to go up to him introducing himself once she moved onto the dance floor.

  With a flirtatious grin, he removed his Mariners cap and asked if he could have a drink with him at their table. He made up a fictitious name, introducing himself as Jay.

  “My name’s Radcliffe. Nice to meet you, Jay, have a seat.” Without hesitation, Radcliffe offered to buy Jay a drink.

  After the waitress brought the drinks and left, Jay felt a heavy hand rub his thigh. Ready to play, he gazed into Radcliffe’s eyes with noticeable lust. Radcliffe squeezed Jay harder just as the girl returned from her dance and sat down, purposely sandwiching herself between them. She began talking about the sailboat she lived on, and how intensified the sex with Radcliffe became while they floated on the water.

  She was explicit regarding their foreplay, and how intoxicating it was while doing it on the upper deck as the Portland fog flowed over them. Sensing that the mood was right, they finished their drinks and left the bar. Exiting together in a huddle, they got into Radcliffe’s car. Jay sat in the backseat with the lady while Radcliffe drove to the harbor. She fondled Jay’s inner thigh just enough to tease him. The car came to a stop.

  Darkness—there wasn’t a person in sight—only the three of them. They stepped out onto the pier and climbed down to the boat. Jay shook his head from side to side cracking his neck bones, his mind vibrated with the images he lusted for: those voices louder in my mind. Take them, kill them.

  Unable to control himself much longer, he pulled the rope from his coat pocket, punched Radcliffe in the stomach, grabbed his arms, and tied them together. There was a struggle that ended quickly when Jay kneed Radcliffe to the floor. He took his knife from his jean pocket, opened the blade, and cut into Radcliffe’s chest. Before the girl was even aware of what happened, Jay had ripped a piece of gray tape from his roll and forced it over her mouth.

  Radcliffe yelled, “Leave her alone! He tried to scoot himself closer to Jay in hopes of tripping him; however, Jay held the blade at her throat. “Who’s in control of things now, so shut your damn mouth, Radcliffe. Now what the hell is this little shit girl’s name? Answer me before I slice her into pieces. Radcliffe, what the hell is her name!”

  Radcliffe quieted down. “Tracy, her name is Tracy.”

  “Get over there, Tracy, I want you to take off Radcliffe’s pants and let them hang at his ankles.

  Without hesitation, she did as instructed.

  “That’s good, now help him onto the bed face-up,” Jay ordered.

  “Not so tough anymore, are you Radcliffe?” Jay said as he became aroused seeing both of them shake with fear. He handed the gray tape to Tracy. “I want you to bind Radcliffe’s lower legs together. Nice and tight, that’s it, a little tighter please.” Jay gave a psychotic grin. His eyes now blackened with rage.

  “That’s it, Tracy, perfect. Now take off all of your clothes and lie on the bed facing him on your side.”

  She ripped the tape from her mouth. “Why are you doing this to us—what the hell do you want?” she cried through her flowing tears.

  Jay inhaled slowly. He became composed and said in an eerie voice, “I want your sexual comfort, your intimacy. Don’t you realize that? I desperately need something familiar.”

  “Hey, that’s cool,” Radcliffe said. “I’m all right with that, just slow down. Tracy and I swing both ways. That’s why we picked you up from the bar. We love intimacy, but the way you’re doing it isn’t any comfort, and we don’t hurt people!”

  “Way too much talk, damn it. Just shut the fuck up!” Jay ripped a piece of tape from its roll and slapped it over Radcliffe’s mouth. “There, damn you, now you have to shut the fuck up!”

  Tracy pushed herself forward and head-butted Jay in the forehead. Blood spurted from the open skin above his eye. Violently waving her arms with closed fists, she slugged him in the nose. More blood splattered on his face.

  “You are a filthy little slut of a bitch!” Jay swung at her with his knife and cut her arm. That seemed to quiet her down. Tracy lay there, barely moving, with blood oozing onto Radcliffe’s chest, the incident made Jay feel euphoric. Giving him exactly what he had been yearning for.

  Slowly, and with the utmost satisfaction, Jay pulled another rope from his pocket. He took hold of Tracy’s legs, tied them together behind her backside affixing them to one arm, hog-style. She kicked her legs struggling to free herself, but it was no use.

  “You damn bitch!” Jay slapped her hard across the face. “Tracy, you should have been more cooperative, you just ruined everything for the three of us! This is not the night I wanted. I wanted comfort, but you kept fighting me. You’re both crazy! I wanted to watch you, for you to follow my commands as I guided you into a fantastic sexual play, which was also for my own pleasures. You
fucking bitch, now it’s too late!”

  Jay climbed onto her, unzipped his pants and thrust his cock inside her. He moaned, and looked at Radcliffe with a sinister smile. Beating his body harder against hers, he tried penetrating her but only felt frustrated by her lack of arousal. Leaving him angered by the lack of his much-needed pleasures, Jay squeezed his fingernails on her buttocks then he dug into her skin until it bled. Moments passed as he allowed the flow of her blood to wet his hands. “You have not fulfilled me. You selfish bitch!” he cried out, and with one precise movement he slashed her throat.

  Observing the dark red blood splatter on the walls, now finding pleasure in her as her blood ran down her shoulders. With force he kicked her off the bed, totally satisfied when her body plopped on the floor.

  With full attention now on Radcliffe, Jay was excited to see the fear bulging through his eyes. Radcliffe’s body shook when his distress cries were barely audible through his taped mouth.

  Jay moved to lay on top of him. He caressed Radcliffe’s firm body delighting in the response received as he became erect. Jay removed the tape from his mouth and in a crazy eerie voice, Jay told him, “I will not kill you if you stay quiet and please me.”

  Horrors creased the skin on his face. Radcliff blinked signaling his answer. Jay poured whiskey drop by drop into Radcliff’s mouth, and watched him swallow. “Your lip movements are intoxicating,” Jay said, “it sends pleasures up my thighs. One more drink, take it fast this time, and bring me to full erection.” Jay slid his lower body up to Radcliffe’s face. “You know exactly what I desire and don’t bite down.” Radcliffe commenced upon Jays wishes.

  Erotically, Jay moved from his face. He glided his cock down the crease between Radcliff’s neck and shoulder. In awe, Jay smiled then put the blindfold on himself this time. To cover his eyes from Radcliffe’s view. Thoughts beckoned Jays mind. I am lost in the woods, sexually craving those luscious moments with others, I want the anger, and it excels my need to indulge in more pain.

  Straddling Radcliffe, he arched backwards, and with his left hand, removed the blindfold. Inhaling the air that was now pungent with sex, Jay held tightly to the grip of his knife and with one force of evil he stabbed Radcliffe in the heart. Bright red blood splattered upon Jay’s face and chest. Finally filling every pore and void of my physical and mental being, I am there, the night is done.

  Chapter 16

  I’m so paranoid and confused; I literally hate this overwhelming feeling.

  It’s nighttime and I can’t shake this horrid dream. I bolted upright, wakened by my own fears. I grabbed my jacket, put it on and slammed the door behind me. I headed outside to the sidewalk. A walk from here to there, to where—where do I go? I don’t know this city. It’s two in the morning; the street lamps shone like spotlights; a cat scurried by, which startled me for a second, then my leg bumped into a trash bin, and I stopped.

  The man with the blindfold was after me, except no one was here. Altercations of reality have invaded my mind, as the past horrors started again. These thoughts provoked me to run, but I turned around instead, and made my way back towards the hotel stairs. I stood immobile. Fully awake now, I could see clearly. I am safe; this is where I lived.

  The morning sun shone through the cracked blinds. Where am I? “Kari…Kari. I’m afraid!” I shout. “I’m all alone.” It must have been a bad dream.

  With the bed sheets off of me, I noticed the dirt on my legs from the night walk. My mindset seemed frazzled—was last night’s escape a dream or had I gone out? I got in the shower to wash, composure settled in as my body relaxed, and I adjusted the water temperature. Reality came forth; I remembered my gig at the nightclub, and my new life.

  The sun’s yellow rays beamed through the cloudy gray skies, welcoming the morning as it glistened on the waterfront where hundreds of sailboats remained docked. Their white masts blew atop these old wooden boats. Many appeared to be in desperate need of refurbishing. Amazed how the boat stayed afloat while it glided across the water, I suppose proving their strength in age.

  I approached the outside café, ordered coffee, and then sat at a table near the oceanfront. Busy people hurried by without noticing one another. An elderly couple sat near the railing overlooking the water; the man poured cream into two cups of coffee while she cut the sweet roll in half. Two tables down from me, a young couple took pictures of each other with the sailboats as a backdrop. They observed each other’s poses, and laughed together. Without concept of it, they illuminated my morning. I decided they must be tourists for they seemed delighted in everything around them.

  Music began to play; the sound startled me—it was the ringtone on my cell phone. I reach for it, the caller ID read Kari. “Hello, Steven, I miss you already.”

  “I miss you, too. I’m having a nice morning outside the city port,” I said in a joyful tone, hoping she didn’t recognize the true sluggishness in my voice.

  “I just wanted to touch base with you to let you know Mom and Dad will be joining me at Bygone Era for your performance Thursday. Also, I thought I’d spend the night with you afterwards so I could really show you my support. You know what I’m talking about,” she said in a sexy tone.

  Hot blood flew through my veins, waking me up ten times faster than the coffee. We delved right into her direction of conversation, and conversed for another thirty minutes regarding our sexual alone-time. I told her goodbye when I realized the hour closing in.

  I soon found my way back up the street, made a right on Hath Street with my guitar case slung over my shoulder. My legs picked up speed as I hustled to get to the club on time.

  Downtown Portland really instilled a unique comfort zone for me. Even though the city was sprawled with so many buildings, it presented an ambiance of quaintness. Perhaps I’d search for a rental house after this weekend’s performance. I think I’d like to settle here. A cottage style house with a small yard, or even a guest quarters on someone’s property, may be ideal for me. A place near the jazz club would definitely be fantastic, or perhaps close to the waterfront so I could take in the ocean’s beauty every day.

  Bo Bo was standing in front of Bygone Era Club smoking a cigarette when I arrived. “Hey, man, you’re late. John is taking up a rug, and I don’t mean the dance floor.”

  “Sorry, I took a wrong turn coming back from the pier,” Steven said.

  “Well, John is fuming. He expects his musicians to be on time, and he doesn’t know you well enough to allow any slack, ya know what I’m saying. Let me go in first, I’ll explain what happened, and then you follow in a couple minutes,” Bo Bo offered.

  “Thanks, man, won’t happen again,” I said. About two minutes later, I went inside.

  “You’re late,” John yelled. “I don’t give three strikeouts, this isn’t a damn baseball game—one time only, and you just used it up! Now get your gear and set up on stage.” He finished with a curt smile.

  I nodded to him in a respectful manner, picked up my guitar and climbed the couple steps to the stage floor. The guys joined me and our jam session began.

  The hours flew by as our music penetrated the walls. I had no problem learning the new song, which impressed both men very much. The sounds of gypsy jazz filled the atmosphere and our lively trio sustained harmony. There was only one thing out of rhythm, and that was Bo Bo’s voice, he was so full of energy today that he decided to sing. His voice, however, did not carry the same tune as his drumming talent. It was awful, I couldn’t figure out what key he was singing in, but it really struck a chord of humor for us.

  Chapter 17

  Detective Fike flipped open his cell phone and shouted, “Fike here.”

  “Chief Clancy here,” the chief yelled back. He informed Fike about a disturbing phone call he received from the Portland Oregon chief of police. “Two victims this time, male and female, with the female hog-tied and her throat slashed.”

  “Did it appear to be the same MO as our forest killing? Was there any string or rope? Did
they find a piece of cloth?” Fike inquired.

  “I believe so. Portland lab is sending fluid samples as we speak,” the chief said.

  Fike swallowed loudly into the phone, and then asked, “What about mutilation of body parts?”

  “No nothing like that with these two, but she was hog-tied and he was stabbed in the heart with a knife. There’s a large quantity of blood—quite an intense scene on the boat. I want you to see it firsthand. Listen up, you and Detective Jones get down there right away and co-investigate the crime scene,” Clancy ordered.

  “Is the Portland police department open to Washington police being there?” Fike asked.

  “Yes, I spoke with them, and they want your cooperation. However, be cautious, don’t cross their line of investigation, you know what I mean, watch your jurisdiction,” the chief ordered.

  “I’ve already instructed Myrna to fax all pertinent forensic reports on our victim, Mr. Crown, to them. Oh, by the way, a blue twenty-inch piece of material was found stuffed in one victim’s mouth. Have a safe flight and check back with me soon.”

  Fike phoned Jones while he refilled his coffee cup. He took a sip before he heard her voice. Quickly he informed her of the developing situation. “I’ll pick you up at your house in twenty minutes.” He placed one more call to Captain Michaels, restating the same conversation, not realizing the chief had already briefed him.

  “Good luck in Portland,” Michaels said, “I’ll be completing the search on the cabins. We are still trying to find out who the owners are, and question everyone in that area.”

  Detective Jones was her usual efficient self, waiting outside her front door when Fike pulled into her driveway. He stepped out, unlocked the car trunk then placed her bags inside while she pulled the seat belt across her chest and sat in the passenger seat. The airport was approximately a thirty-minute drive. They drove in silence, respecting each other’s space, understanding each other’s need to focus on getting there and nothing else at this moment.