With a Tilt of My Hat Page 4
Fike let out a deep sigh, inhaling slowly before he spoke again. “Nothing seems to be secure these days. You have yourself a good afternoon, Myrna, and thank you.” He ended the call then yelled; “Put your coat on, Jones. We’re going for a drive!”
A half hour later, they took the final right turn into the parking lot of XXXLadies Club.
“The sick bastard who mutilated Mr. Joseph Crown and this night club are all related. I have a gut feeling, and I want this place investigated, thoroughly,” said Fike. “There’s a strong possibility that someone who frequented the club may be associated with our killer.”
Jones looked at her notebook and recited the suspect’s profile she’d recently compiled: young male, twenty to thirty years old, physically in good health, with the strong endurance to have mutilated a body and then hike up those woods. “Furthermore, he presents the characteristics of a sexually abused child. He may have just had a recent tragedy in his life. He’s fixated on finding a man, a victim who resembles someone close to him in his past. He likes engaging in fantasy sexual acts, rage stems from recent personal loss or humiliation. His behaviors may have been rooted in him his entire life, a true psychopathic killer. Nonetheless, I believe this is his first kill.” Jones flipped her notebook closed.
With their badges open, they flashed them to the club owner Jim Clark.
“Well, hello, Jim,” Fike said, “we’ve come to the conclusion that our suspect came in here to play with your ladies. He may have played around with some of your monkey men, too.”
“We don’t do that kind of shit here,” exclaimed Jim. “Do you hear that, Jones, no shit.”
“Funny, Jim, Jimmy boy,” Jones blurted out, when she took a seat on a nearby barstool. She continued with, “Word on the street is you supply a variety of pleasures for all different types of physical needs. Should we get a warrant to search your basement, Jim?”
“My patrons are not sick killers,” Jim shouted. “Everything done here is consensual, and no one is getting hurt.”
“Right, I hear that often. Listen up, Jim, so you have clients who indulge in male parties downstairs, no problem. Just give me a couple names and we’re through with you for the day, no warrant,” Fike demanded.
Jim walked to the far end of the bar. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. Wrote down the names of two people, along with the time they usually came in, placed it on the bar counter, and then left the room. “I’ll see you later, Jim.” Fike snatched the paper then exited the club.
Back at the police station, he went to speak with Michaels. “Hello, Captain Michaels, I have a theory and the assignment is perfect for you. How do you feel about going undercover at the XXXLadies Club, nose around, and find out who enjoys being hogtied during their sexual encounters.”
“And no participation,” Jones said to him in an eerie but cautious tone.
Captain Michaels just grinned from ear to ear, sort of resembling the Grinch at Christmastime when he was about to feast. “Well, I’d be delighted to investigate,” he told her with a smirk.
“Oh, there is one more thing,” Fike added. “The XXXLadies Club has a dungeon located in the basement. I know you will maintain professionalism while undercover. You’ve been in similar case scenarios in the past, Captain Michaels.”
Michaels nodded. “I’d like to assign Officer Pete Ryan to work the case with me. He’ll be a great asset to this undercover job. He goes both ways, he should be able to talk his way in smoothly. He never pushes his preference onto anyone, he is an outstanding officer and I appreciate his support in the community.”
Fike agreed. “I’ve only heard excellence regarding Officer Pete, he’s a solid guy, no problem having him team up with you on the case. Just get out of here and catch that sick bastard.”
Chapter 9
The guest house door opened slowly with just the sound of hardware creaking. I was lying in bed when I heard it and jolted to a sitting position. I noticed Kari’s silhouetted form in the doorway. Without saying a word, she slid onto the bed. Giggling in her cute manner, she leaned forward and surprised me when she kissed my lips. Her long blonde hair brushed against my face, pleasing me as my hands roamed her waistline. I took hold of her shirt, lifting it over her head.
“I hope you don’t mind me sneaking in here on the bed with you, Steven,” Kari whispered, then shifted slightly, and unclasped her bra.
I fondled her breasts while she positioned herself on top of me. Feeling my hardness, her sensation was heightened and she unzipped my pants. Kari unwrapped the hidden condom she held in the palm of her hand. I removed my jeans allowing her full exposure to slide the condom onto my penis. She rubbed my thighs, her hands moved over my body and she grasped my butt. With moans of pleasure I flipped her onto her backside.
I lay on top of her, our kissing excited me more and I licked every area of her skin. With a gentle touch, I felt the moisture between her legs, and I tasted it with my tongue.
The foreplay enticed both of us even though I wanted to take her immediately, I instead slowed down. Teasing her as I glided my erection on her stomach then moved upward to her breasts. I twisted her nipples with my fingers until they become hard, and she arched her pelvis. With all my control, near penetration, I entered her with hard thrusts. Sweat beaded our skin—it was awesome when we climaxed together. Our eyes engaged and my thoughts focused—soul-mates found in an unexpected encounter. With her head resting on my chest, she tousled my hair between her fingers, and we slept.
* * * *
I stretched my hand across the bed to feel nothing but an empty area beside me, where Kari had once slept. The morning crust filled my eyes. I wiped them clean and saw a note for me left on her pillow.
Good morning, meet me at the veranda at nine for breakfast; I thought we’d go riding afterwards. Mom and dad are at church for the morning then they will have their usual Sunday brunch together. By the way I had a wonderful time last night. With delight, KARI
I gazed with lust; the warmth penetrated my veins, which intensified when our two lips met. It was just the two of us outside on the patio this morning. The picnic table was filled with a spread of food. The aroma of eggs and vegetables floated in the air with each slice of my fork as I cut into my omelet. Kari lifted her coffee cup in a cheering manner, and made a toast to the splendid day ahead.
After breakfast, Kari placed the dishes in a plastic tub, and then walked to the stables. She saddled a couple horses, and mounted one first, then I did the same, throwing my leg over the brown and white appaloosa. I adjusted the final strap before we galloped towards the meadow. Gray skies above, without a hint of sunshine in sight kept our happy disposition as we laughed in unison when our horses picked up speed. Racing around trees, we circled bushes and hurdled over the small boulders, horses and riders took flight into a one of a kind adventure.
I then slowed my horse to a trot, pulled the reins to the left side of the appaloosa’s neck. That’s when I noticed an incline at the base of the hill that scaled upward to a flat plateau. Anxious to see the other side, we trotted the horses and climbed. It just took a few nudges on the horses’ flanks, and their pace picked up. We were almost to the top. With one more stride, the horses rested on level terrain. The view from here was breathtaking. The valley had wisps of golden grass where red apple trees adorned the land. Beyond that, we saw rows of corn stalks.
“Magnificent.” I let the quiet earth inspire us with its grandeur. I glanced at Kari and noticed her expression of humbleness. I appreciated how we sat on the plateau for several minutes longer just observing without conversation.
She sensed the air of change; I smiled at her with sweetness, and agreed it was time to trot on. Taking the lead, she gently turned her horse around. Kari reached out for my hand; I embraced it hard, signifying a trust between us. Cautiously, the horses moved past the larger boulders then descended to the bottom of the hill.
“Giddy-up, let’s go!” Kari sang, and both horses jolted into a gallop
as they raced to the open field.
After an hour’s ride, Kari turned west and rode towards a group of trees. I galloped alongside of her, trusting the path we were on. “Whoa boy, whoa,” she said, stroking the head of her horse when she came to a stop.
We dismounted and walked the horses to a pond for a drink of water. Then led them to a tree and tied their reins to the trunk which allowed them their much needed rest.
Adjacent to the horses, Kari and I lay under a large maple tree that shaded us by its towering branches.
“Steven, I was thinking if you stayed with Mom, Dad and me for another week, I could drive you to Portland. I have to be at the college anyways for registration next Monday.”
“That sounds awesome. It would make things so much easier for me. I’m sure your dad could use my help in working his farm. I think he liked having a ranch-hand around.”
“Hey, mister, what about spending time with me? I liked having you around, too,” she told him.
I brought my head down to block my eyes from her view, and whispered, “I’ll tell you something, Kari, you have expanded my mind. A bridge has been built through my heart and into my soul and it has your name on it.”
With just a light touch of her finger, she brushed my chin, then kissed me with passion.
Chapter 10
The following day, Kari planned a trip for us to visit a cheese factory. We arrived onto a ranch of green pasture that housed hundreds of black and white cows. The signboard read: Tillamook Cheese Factory.
Hand in hand, we walked into the main building where an old ship was docked on the front grounds. Kari and I waited out front to meet her spiky-haired friend, Bryan. Although Kari and Bryan had toured the factory several times over the past years during school field trips, they never toured it as adults. They hoped to gain a new appreciation for the history of this town where they grew up.
Black and white ceramic cows were for sale; an overflow of them filled the lobby. So many people happily moved along the aisles enchanted with what I referred to as unique atmosphere. Expressions of joy shone on our faces when our palate came alive as we devoured cheese samples and fresh ice cream. Bryan’s laughter was infectious to everyone nearby when he laughed at the crazy way the machines squirted cream into the packages as they moved along conveyor belts.
“This place is the same way as I remembered it when we toured as kids. Even the workers still wore those white jackets,” said Bryan. “The only aspect that is different is my perception of the old machinery; I find the mechanics of them very interesting.”
Kari and I read out loud in sync, each display plaque that depicted the history of Tillamook County. I was excited and captivated by the sight of a red antique dairy machine. She smiled at my reaction then took control and read the machine’s description in full detail to us, which explained the regions of environmental issues from past to present day.
I was amazed at how crowded the tour was for a weekday. Pausing for a moment, observing this area, I let my eyes divert to everything and everyone who surrounded me. If our communities across America could all project this kind of serenity, then the human race would be unified, and the grays in life would disappear.
After the tour, we drove to the ocean. Kari and I walked together arm in arm, our footprints dotted along the shoreline. Bryan was in one of his impromptu crazy behaviors as he spread his arms, simulating a child pretending to be an airplane. He swerved from side to side and ran through the tide. Kicking his feet, he moved full speed through the waves. Kari and I fell over in hysterics, and then joined in Bryan’s brilliant display of exuberance, which exhilarated us. We watched the seagulls hover above as they tried to get out of our way.
The day continued into night with ease-we talked for hours as we sat in the sand enjoying each other’s company. Bryan and Kari spoke, alternating their childhood events. I welcomed the conversation and was pleased to learn so many things about them. I, however, hesitated when the moment came for me to share my private life. They must have recognized it but they respectfully let it pass. We spoke of our individual goals for the future. Travel endeavors, relationship ideals and careers. Kari shared her strong opinion pertaining to the environment, and those issues that prompted her to study botany.
Bryan, being the adventurer of life, a person who required constant stimulation, talked about his fascination with the anomalies of the sea. He stated his reasons why he chose to become a marine biologist. Primarily due to his encounter with a man when he was eight years old, who rescued a baby seal, barely alive as it lay on the shore. The seal was exhausted from escaping a predator; at least that’s what the man said. Bryan observed intensely the aspects of the rescue that had taken place by two female biologists. Together they rolled the seal onto a tarp. The animal then was transported into a van to be delivered for care at their safe harbor clinic.
“I could never get those unknown thoughts of the seal living or dying out of my mind,” Bryan told us. So he decided to become an oceanographer.
As for myself, I expressed my desires to compose music, perform in nightclubs, and someday produce my own recordings. Not for the marketing profit, but the true enjoyment and respect from others for my songs.
“That’s exactly how it should be,” Bryan exclaimed, smiling to his new friend Steven. “Now let’s say we call it a day, it’s been great but how about you drive me home, Kari?” Bryan winked at her, obviously understanding that what she really wanted was to be alone with me.
Nighttime covered the land in blackness. The stars shone bright upon us as Kari and I swung on her front porch swing. Sensing our longing to be closer, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her neck feverishly, as passion arose within me. After several minutes of making out, we pointed at constellations and spoke of life beyond the solar system. It was when she rubbed her hand up my thigh that our mindset changed and she joined me in the guesthouse.
Tonight I planned on admiring her naked body sprawled out on my bed. With each gentle stroke, I touched a part of her soft skin and observed the details her body had to offer, from breasts to her petite toes. Lowering myself to the edge of the bed, I fondled her soft spot with my fingers until she opened up.
Unwanted thoughts entered my mind, interrupting the pleasures I desired from her. Those past events when my abductors probe me and tied my arms behind my back I’m shaking, I’m scared.
“Steven, you taste so good,” Kari said in a sexy tone.
Rolling onto her side she pulled me on top of her, awakening me in the now, where my reality is. I quickly shook off those disturbing thoughts, with hope that she hadn’t noticed and presented myself back to her. I glided my erection onto her abdomen, she reached her hand to my buttocks pushed me lower, directing me to enter her. My hard thrust was immensely erotic. Her sexual screams begged me to take her, then Kari wrapped her legs around my backside and squeezed. We climaxed together. Overtaken with exhaustion; I slowly came out of her, and rested my head on her breasts. I heard sexual moans of pleasure from her sweet mouth while she stroked my hair she whispered, “I love you,” before we slipped into dreamland.
Chapter 11
Captain Michaels and Officer Pete had no luck finding any evidence at the XXXLadies Club. However, part of being under cover is the detective work, so naturally the two of them sat by the stage watching the ladies pole dance. This positioned them into the crowd of men, giving them opportunity in observing and possibly befriending someone in the crowd.
Officer Pete confronted a man in conversation, who easily shared his sexual experiences and the way he thrived on weird acts. His name was Bob, and he recalled seeing a stranger in the basement within the last several months, who partook in roles, which included objects and rope.
“However, that isn’t unusual for this kind of place,” Bob said.
His voice changed, taking on a tone of sadness when he told Pete he wasn’t desirable enough to participate with the new man.
“What did he look like? Describe him to
me,” Pete urged him on.
“Let me think, honey.” Bob sighed. “Light-skinned man, about five ten in height, dark brown hair, maybe one hundred sixty pounds, and quite a handsome thing, too. My friend J.J., she was with the guy on several occasions. I believe it was on a Friday night; perhaps that’s his regular schedule. You can always come back to the club next week, and hey, maybe you will want to join me too. She also told me how he was kind of sickly in a miserable sort of way. But listen, Pete, how about you and I go—”
“All of that sounds nice, however I have plans to be elsewhere, tonight,” Pete answered.
It was apparent the patrons here were just out to have a good time. Pete didn’t sense that this was a chop shop of killers on the edge. The conversation ended and Michaels and Pete left the club.
Later, back at the police station, Officer Pete transcribed the report and sent it to Detective Jones.
She had just finished reading it when Fike entered the room. “So far, what I gather from this report”—Jones waved the paper in the air—“it seems possible that Mr. Crowns’ killer may have partaken in a sexual role with one of the regular ladies at the XXXLadies Club. At this point in time, however, there really is no concrete evidence because so many married men frequent the club while on their vacation. They just want to experience something new. Many men and women go to the club regularly after splitting up with their partner. They desire some emotional closeness.
“According to Bob, this new man at the club, our possible suspect, was extremely tight-mouthed, he didn’t share anything about his life except for the few comments mentioned while he cried, saying that he lost someone.”
“What exact words did he use?” Fike asked.
Jones moved closer and stood near Fike so he could read the report himself. “So much lost, needing your comfort, something familiar.” Sounded like our suspect may be in grave mourning over a lover’s death, and our victim Crown may have fit that person’s description, which fulfilled his sexual needs,” Fike remarked.